sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

Hello World

Hi reader, and welcome to my new blog, Getters&Setters.
This first post will be only an intro about me, about the reasons that lead me to writting this blog, and about the contents that you can expect from this blog. So, here we go!

About me:
My name is Nuno Pinheiro. Right now I'm developing my Master Degree thesis at Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal) being the subject "Secure Password Management with Smart Cards". I'm also a developer at the Fénix Project which is the Management application in my college.

So, why writting this blog?
As I previously told, I am developing my Master thesis on smart cards, this means I have to spend lots of hours on Google searching for information that sometimes is deprecated. I feel that there is a need on the internet for new sites explaining how to do the same stuff nowadays, and unfortunantly I believe my own blog information can turn into deprecated information in some years.
Other reason to create this blog is that in some cases, free/open source software web pages don't contain enough information to start developing with theirs technology.
Since I'm always learning new technologies I believe it is public service to publish my learnings into the web.

Then, which will be the main contents?
This blog main contents will be tutorials which will contain copy-pastable code to use on your own projects with compilable source code.
The main tutorials I'm planning to release, at least in these few months are related to my thesis:
- Firefox Components
- QT & QTDbus (client and server)
- PCSC / MuscleCard
- Java Card & General Smart Cards stuff

I may also release blog posts related to my hobbies and side projects, such as:
- Raspberry Pi
- Arduino
- Android

So, if you are interested in these technologies, follow this blog!
If you are expecting some specific tutorial, please contact me so I can make its release faster.

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